Thursday, December 14, 2017

Is a car a good investment

Many of us do things to be the popular person not the succesful person. This generation has a big problem with looking rich instead of being rich. Many of us our stunting and shi###ng on the people we grew up with. Depending on the area the people there may call you a phuck boy or girl and want to rob, plot and kill you. It's okay to crawl before you walk and drive the old school car like an older model Toyota paid off. Instead many of us get a new car because it can display our value quicker then a new home can. Many of us our renting out places, behind mortgages, not helping if were still living with our parents, living in a expensive car and living a life just to be popular. Nothing wrong with working hard and spoiling yourself every blue moon like renting a car, leasing a car, leasing a home, renting a place temporarily and enjoying a day or two to yourself, saving enough for a vacation, eating out, partying and tricking. However if your need to impress others with materialistic stuff who don't probably even like you is greater than your priorities such as bills, education, your dreams, health, credit, etc you're hustling backwards. You're running on a treadmill and going no where fast like a hamster on a wheel or a rat race.You have to save more then you spend. A new car depreciates once it's driven off the lot. The car also needs maintenance, gas and insurance. Unless you're a crafty salesperson or have a great idea what a vehicle can do for a buisness to help you make money a new car before the purchase of a new home can be costly. Atleast a home appreciates and you can have equity to purchase more homes you can rent out a home or finish paying a mortgage. If you're at a job you don't like, don't see yourself becoming a manager there, paying you less then your worth you have to start focusing and working toward leaving that job for something better. Everyone starts somewhere, many rappers rap about starting with an ounce of drugs and are millions. I'm not advising you to sell drugs. The drug game is a trap and the majority of people in it either die early or in jail. However I'm advising you to do is once you get off the clock you need to be working toward your dreams, goals and self. It doesn't matter if you had to go back to living at your parents house or mopping a floor. Have a plan to work toward getting a salary that can afford for you to get a house then your dream car. You have too see your dream as a seed and water it everyday so one day it can take care of you and your family. Be the owner(lender) of a car not the renter(borrower). Lease to own and becareful of financing because just like the mortgage of a house. Until you have the deed of a house or the title of a car you're not the owner. The banks are owners and will charge you extra so you're stuck paying the interest of the loan, not what you atcually bought the item for. Focus on the ability to own and making money while you sleep unless you want to work forever. So start today by saving more than you spend and start investing into that dream as well as yourself. Remember a salary is just a bribe to forget about your dreams. Don't work 8 hours for somebody and not for yourself. Remember everyone starts somewhere but it's not where you start but where you finish. Catch your dreams...Dream Chaser

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