Thursday, July 27, 2017

Meek Mill had a great point about Trick Daddy trying to ban him from Miami(Which Trick doesn't own and is not a legit mayor) but not George Zimmerman. However George Zimmerman is no different than another race doing the same. Whether it's Radric Davis shooting 🔫 an unarmed black, white, hispanic, Asian, etc someone still died. Shoutout to @meekmill for the visuals of Young Black America with black men wearing a white KKK hoodie. It's not popular to be real, send a message. They want you to dumb it down, be on molly percesute and be a boy. Glad Meek Mill chose a different route and went with his heart. Wins and Loses. The trill rock with Meek Mill ...straight motivation to keep going after your dream #WinsNLoses #Real #YoungBlackAmerica #MeekMill #TrickDaddy

Meek Mill Promises to check Dj Akademiks, Responds to Trick Daddy & Drake

Also the culture is going backword. We gave young people a pass selling drugs to your own but now taking it. Being a junkie ain't cool. Build the community not destroy it. Own or be owned.